Forums - Shuma Gorath Show all 17 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Shuma Gorath ( Posted by o0Evil_Hadou0o on 04:26:2001 05:35 AM: Alright guys, I have a question. Me and my friends were at school talkin about MVC 2 and the characters in it. Then the question " Wuts Shuma Goraths mutant powers and how did he turn into Shuma Gorath?" It was silent...So thats were your help is needed...Wut is Shuma Goraths mutant powers, and how did he become...Shuma Gorath??? Posted by OneHandedBandit on 04:26:2001 05:39 AM: HE IS A BEING FROM ANOTHER WORLD(CHEESE), THEN HE IS LIKE THIS SUPER STRONG WARLOCK TYPE CREATURE , THERE WAS A CIVILIZATION OF SHUMA GORATHS(CHEESE), BUT ONE DAY HE MASTERED THE AHVB, AND DESTROYED THE UNIVERSE...HOWEVER DOCTOR STRANGE LOCKED HIM UP IN THE DEAD ZONE WITH GARLIC JR. BUT NOW HE IS BACK AND DOESNT HAVE AN AHVB...HE SUCKS DO NOT PICK THIS CHARACTER PICK CABLE CABLE Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:26:2001 05:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by o0Evil_Hadou0o Alright guys, I have a question. Me and my friends were at school talkin about MVC 2 and the characters in it. Then the question " Wuts Shuma Goraths mutant powers and how did he turn into Shuma Gorath?" It was silent...So thats were your help is needed...Wut is Shuma Goraths mutant powers, and how did he become...Shuma Gorath??? He's not a mutant...he's an alien, from another dimension...the CHAOS DIMENSION. I kid you not. During that super, he is supposedly taking you on a short trip to his dimension, which is SOOOooooo chaotic that exposure to it can induce insanity, even in brief periods... -DFA Posted by Lord Doom on 04:26:2001 05:42 AM: I really have no clue what Shuma's powers are but in terms of assists. I like the projectile for combos. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:26:2001 05:47 AM: Addition to previous post: His powers: He is mostly malleable (can change the shape of his body). He mesmorizes anyone who looks into the eye. Not hypnotizes, just mesmorizes them, leaving them either as vegetables or raving lunatics. In the Marvel universe, he is not so much a scheming villain, as he is a malevolent force of nature. -DFA Posted by Ryuji YamazakiX on 04:26:2001 05:49 AM: I had to balance the poll! HAA HA HA HA HAAAA!! HA! I kill myself! Posted by Onslaught2000 on 04:26:2001 06:32 AM: He's a creature from another dimesion then he came into this dimesion and wanted to destroy everything in it, then he was sealed up back into his dimesion by Doctor Strange. His powers was the ablity to turn into the creatures he was facing, he would find out what their phoebia was then turned into that thing that sacred his "ppenent if you will" worse nightmare. Esxpanson type all the way, but you should really have a man back that assist up 'like sential or cable. Posted by CykoClops on 04:26:2001 11:10 AM: i dunno anything about shuma cept that his a mad grappler and his chaos dimension would be better if it only used 2 bars! Posted by Ug the caveman on 04:26:2001 11:16 AM: I heard that Shuma was actually a she, and that in the comics, Shuma is enormous (bigger than Abyss, Onslaught and Apocalypse combined). But...I don't read comics, so I wouldn't know. Maybe Shin-Mech-Brian can help out here. Posted by emagius on 04:26:2001 02:19 PM: Shuma-Gorath is female, and thus a "she". Posted by DarkZero on 04:26:2001 03:04 PM: I would use his/her projectile assist. Posted by P-Chalk on 04:26:2001 04:56 PM: Christ and all this time i thought it was a throwback fantastic four character well slap my ass and call me a bastard Shums is a throwback Dr.Strange character Posted by Spider-Dan on 04:26:2001 06:11 PM: If any of you have a (converted) MSH cabinet in a nearby arcade, in the random pictures that make up the bezel/trim, you can see a pic of Shuma-Gorath... Shuma is pretty damn huge. Posted by DrunkinB on 04:26:2001 06:14 PM: It all depends on your team n what u may what the assist as! Posted by Million on 04:26:2001 06:25 PM: Shuma Gorath is approximately in the power class of Cosmic beings like Thanos, Galactus, etc. I think she is actually an embodiment of some cosmically powered being's evil she is pure evil with near-unlimited powers and abilities. So if the game were true to all the characters...Thanos and Shuma together would easily wipe out the rest of the fighters...even Blackheart. (the son of Mephisto--- Marvel's "Satan".) Posted by Big Russian on 04:26:2001 06:37 PM: Hmmm... If I remember correctly, she had inhabited the body of Dr. Strange's mentor. I believe he died somehow during the process of locking Shuma away in another dimension. Not 100% certain. Big Russian Posted by CrimsonK on 04:26:2001 06:53 PM: Expansion. Use it as an anti-air against jump-ins or to stop ground-based attacks that aren't sweeps. But if you have a character with a better anti-air (Ken's Fierce Dragon-Punch) go with the Projectile for better coverage when stting up a combo. Oh, and use the Chaos Dimension as an anti-air. It hit's them while their jumping in, so immediately press up, forward and fierce for a free grab. After the CD finishes, when you land next to them, tap light kick twice and go into an air combo. My favorite: LK, LK, (pause) forward and HK, then mash the buttons and waggle the joystick from left to right as fast as you can. You get life back up to your red. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:40 AM. 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